Ready for Prime Time?
My background is in TV news. I spent 12 years, both as a producer and a reporter, at the network and local news levels before I went into business for myself as an executive media training, executive presentation skills and executive on-camera coach.

Should You Do That Interview?
“Should I do that interview with…” is a question that I get asked all of the time by clients. My response is: it depends. The first consideration: are you one of those

Online Demand Changes Interviews
The man behind the camera said, “Who are you and what do you do?” The man being interviewed said, “My name is —- and I uh. Wait. Can I start again?” Yes,

On-Camera Makeup for Men
After yesterday’s blog on makeup for women, I received many emails from men wanting to know whether they should wear makeup on-camera. YES! Never fear– you don’t need to buy a liquid

On-Camera Makeup
Update: October, 2013– Smashbox is discontinuing its High Definition Healthy FX Foundation. In its place, they are offering their Liquid Halo HD Foundation SPF 15. Koh Gen Do also offers a newer

Taking a Great Headshot
If you check out my Eat The Lens logo, my website or my social media profiles, you will see my professional headshots. They were all taken by the wonderfully talented photographer, Paul

Ready for Your Closeup?
A photographer came around to take a group picture at an event I attended. And before he could get everyone arranged, a woman shouted out, “No, I need to go to the

Taking Risks
The catcher threw the baseball low and out of frame to me. I caught it with one hand. (I was holding the microphone with the other.) And I quickly pulled the ball

Memorable or Perfect?
My first TV news anchor reel wasn’t great, but at the time I thought it was perfect. Perfectly written, perfectly edited and perfectly memorized. Yes, that was the problem– perfectly memorized. We

Media Training for Entrepreneurs
A couple of months ago I taped a segment with my friend, Carol Roth. She was promoting her new book, The Entrepreneur Equation, in which she offers advice to people thinking about starting their

On-Camera Criteria
Before I went into business for myself, I was Director of Talent Development for an agency that represented TV news anchors and reporters. One of my responsibilities was weeding through DVDs of