It’s not easy to look directly into camera and deliver your messages for thought leadership videos or recorded virtual conference keynotes.

It’s also tough to pull off an on-camera performance that is both memorable and informative.

And it’s challenging to produce a video that is succinct and holds an audience’s attention.

It’s also tough to pull off an on-camera performance that is both memorable and informative.

But that’s where we come in.

Since 2005 McGrath Comm has been helping clients refine their messaging and improve their on-camera performance skills.




Of customers would rather watch video than read text. – HubSpot


Of executives agree.

– Wordstream

And LinkedIn videos have


View rates.
– LinkedIn

Clearly, if you’re not using video to promote your brand, your services or even your thought leadership, you’re missing out.

What’s Holding You Back?

If you don’t know, you might need a coach to help you figure it out.

When we work with clients, we’re not only teaching them new skills, we’re trying to bring out the best in them.

To do that, we sometimes have to figure out— what is the roadblock that’s holding them back?


In the course of working with our clients, we’ve noticed that one person’s negative comments sometimes stay with people for a long time. And the results can be paralyzing.

Overcoming Obstacles

Whether it’s a boss who once told you that you weren’t a good speaker…or an executive who told you that you didn’t look good on-camera… or you’re simply afraid of failure, we can help you remove those roadblocks, and together, we will build your skills and confidence.

Customized Programs

We pride ourselves on creating customized programs for our clients, based on their individual needs and goals.

Here’s a sample of services offered and topics covered in our Video Coaching programs:

Ask How We Can Help

When you’re ready to discuss how we can help you get on the road to video success,
please click the Learn More link to get started.

Coaching You To Be On Message…. On-Air, In-Person and Online.”