Body Language

I was walking my dog in the park when I noticed a group of 5-6 year-old girls playing softball. Bases were loaded. A tiny little girl stepped into the batter’s box. She dug her heels into the dirt and held her bat with just the right amount of tension. I knew from a ballfield away that the young girl was going to kill the first good pitch she got. Sure enough I was right. She hit a triple! Three runs scored.

How did I know? Her body language screamed: CONFIDENCE. She was confident in her abilities and clearly expected that she would do well. No surprise to her–or to me– that she did.


I can do the same thing with speakers or people being interviewed on television. Within seconds, I can predict if they’ll do well. It’s in the body language. It’s in the eyes. If you’re confident, it will show. People will be drawn to you. They’ll listen to what you have to say. Similarly, if you’re nervous or are feeling defensive, that will also show. As a result, people will tune you out or wonder if you’re telling the truth.

So before your next presentation or interview– do your research. Prepare what you’re going to say. Anticipate questions and your responses. That will help you feel more confident. Next– practice in front of others or in front of a mirror. Watch your body language. Don’t cross your arms. Lean towards your audience/ interviewer. Gesture. Smile. Make eye contact.

Make me believe that you’re confident. Through your body language, facial expressions and gestures– project the attitude of a winner. Make me think that you’re going to hit one out of the park– even if you’re only hoping to make it to first base.

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